The relationship between SEO & Social Media
Designing a space online to showcase your service or product, SEO means it can be found on search engines and Social Media is a fantastic tool to amplify your content to reach more audiences through a slightly different avenue.
SEO is a continuous effort that needs to be monitored and maintained in order to keep your rankings high and converting. Social media is a completely different channel that helps bring a human presence to your brand and spread your message wide and far.
Not only does this dynamic duo help your overall ranking and reach indirectly - it can help ease a creative block here and there! And here’s how…
Promotes cornerstone content
Cornerstone content is a high-value, foundational piece of content that is created to help you build traffic to your website. It is a blog or a page that contains high-quality content that is aimed to rank really high in search engines. It is usually an ‘evergreen’ piece of content that - no matter the year - it is still relevant. This could be a service page or a blog post that can be applied all year round, any year.
Once published, this piece of content can be amplified through sharing on all the different social platforms - whenever. Through sharing on these platforms you create a buzz and encourage engagement which will drive traffic back to your website for those wanting to know more.
Brilliant for filling in those not-a-clue what-to-post days! This brings me to my next point that optimised blogs can use Social Media platforms to...
Increase the longevity of a piece of content
As just highlighted, an aspect of SEO is writing engaging and optimised content for your landing pages, like your blog. These pages often use long tail keywords like questions that open up another door for people to find you in terms of varying your keywords. Sharing blogs on your social media is a great way to position yourself as knowledgeable in your niche and show authority to your audience. This has the potential to be spread wide and which...
Increases likelihood of references & backlinks
SEO loves authoritative backlinks. With businesses/bloggers/influencers etc linking back to your post from their websites, it increases link authority which Search Engines use as an indication as to whether your content is useful or not in turn helps with rankings.
Getting your audience engaged with your post via creative visuals on various platforms will increase your reach and therefore more exposure on social. This can lead to more website visits and if your content is suuuuper useful - Pins on Pinterest and even references from their website!
What about the link to your website from the social platform itself? Does that count?
Although not strictly proven, it is suggested that social popularity can help Google rankings, however, not much has been said by Google on this matter. There are tools out there that do provide metrics on factors such as social shares in conjunction with organic rankings, but if that correlates directly to SEO rankings is another thing.
The points listed in this article demonstrate Social Media is a powerful growing tool that will help boost the visibility of your posts (the social part) which may, in turn, increase the likelihood of content views, references and backlinks (the SEO part).
Both practices promote the visibility of your content on your website. They focus on pushing your content out to the masses to bring your website to their screens. Are you amplifying your content as best you could?